Entity Framework The specified type member is not supported Exception
Exception: The specified type member '[ColumnName]' is not supported in LINQ to Entities Exception
Entity Framework can't filter data based on a property on the server side which is not a part of the table schema. It means that Entity Framework can't convert not mapped a property to SQL.
The following example is trying to filter the customers on TotalInvoices, but the TotalInvoices property is not mapped to database.
using (var context = new EntityContext()) { var customers = context.Customers .Include(c => c.Invoices) .Where(c => c.TotalInvoices > 0) .ToList(); }
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The easiest solution to handle this exception is to filter the customers on the client side when the property is not mapped to the database.
using (var context = new EntityContext()) { var customers = context.Customers .Include(c => c.Invoices) .ToList(); var list = customers.Where(c => c.TotalInvoices > 0) .ToList(); }
In this example, the data is first retrieved from the database, and then the data is filtered based on a property which is not mapped to the database.
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