Entity Framework Cascade Delete Discover to Auto Delete Child Entities
Cascade delete allows the deletion of a row to trigger the deletion of related rows automatically.
- EF will delete a child record(s) (database rows) automatically when its parent is explicitly deleted via the DbContext.
- For example, when an author is deleted, it will remove all the related books automatically as well.
using (var context = new BookStore()) { var author = context.Authors .FirstOrDefault(); context.Authors.Remove(author); context.SaveChanges(); }
Turn off Cascade Delete
Using Fluent API, you can configure entities to turn off cascade delete by calling the WillCascadeOnDelete(false)
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) { modelBuilder.Entity<Book>() .HasOptional<Author>(b => b.Author) .WithMany() .WillCascadeOnDelete(false); }
Now when the author entity is deleted, the related books won't be deleted from the database.
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