Entity Framework Eager Loading Discover How To Load Related Entities
In Eager loading, a query for one type of entity also loads related entities as part of the query.
- Using eager loading, you don't need to execute a separate query for related entities.
- It means that requesting related data be returned along with query results from the database.
- It can be achieved by using the
In the following example, all the authors with their respective books are retrieved from the database by using eager loading.
using (var context = new BookStore()) { var authors = context.Authors .Include(a => a.Books) .ToList(); }
The authors and their related books will be retrieved in a single query.
SELECT [Project1].[AuthorId] AS [AuthorId], [Project1].[Name] AS [Name], [Project1].[C1] AS [C1], [Project1].[Id] AS [Id], [Project1].[Title] AS [Title], [Project1].[AuthorId1] AS [AuthorId1] FROM ( SELECT [Extent1].[AuthorId] AS [AuthorId], [Extent1].[Name] AS [Name], [Extent2].[Id] AS [Id], [Extent2].[Title] AS [Title], [Extent2].[AuthorId] AS [AuthorId1], CASE WHEN ([Extent2].[Id] IS NULL) THEN CAST(NULL AS int) ELSE 1 END AS [C1] FROM [dbo].[Authors] AS [Extent1] LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Books] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[AuthorId] = [Extent2].[AuthorId] ) AS [Project1] ORDER BY [Project1].[AuthorId] ASC, [Project1].[C1] ASC
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