Entity Framework Power Tools Discover About this Extensions
Entity Framework 6 Power Tools are very useful design-time utilities which can be used in Visual Studio.
You can download and install it from Visual Studio Marketplace.
When right-clicking on a file containing a derived DbContext class, the following context menu functions are available:
- View Entity Data Model (Read-only): It displays a read-only view of the Code-First model in the Entity Model Designer.
- View Entity Data Model XML: It displays the EDMX XML representing the underlying Code-First model.
- View Entity Data Model DDL SQL: It displays the DDL SQL corresponding to the SSDL in the underlying EDM Model.
- Generate Views: It generates pre-compiled views used by the EF runtime to improve start-up performance. Adds the generated views file to the containing project.
When right-clicking on an Entity Data Model .edmx file, you will see only Generate Views context.
- Generate Views
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